Senior Content Designer and Copywriter
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The $70k Upgrade Banner

The upgrade banner that generated $70k in a month


Sometimes the smallest projects can make the biggest impact. I was super stoked to get back into growth work and bring more playful content into our monetization experiences. TL;DR Puns sell!

The problem

This upgrade banner was part of the pricing and packaging enhancements our product team was making to our flow. These updates were designed to elevate the user experience from event publish to checkout—and the impact was outstanding.

Our mission was clear: Increase event publish conversion rates and capacity tier upgrades. Our team worked closely with Product Marketing, and Research for these projects.

What I did

I wrote a dynamic sellout moment banner on Creator Home (our creator homepage) and on Event Dashboard. The banners would appear for events that had sold 80% or more of their event capacity. The call-to-action links would guided creators to upgrade effortlessly through our express checkout flow.

When crafting the message, I chose to play up the celebratory aspect of a creator nearly selling out their event—after all, it’s an exciting moment! My tone was playful and punny, using the American concept of “selling like hotcakes” with a second sentence that reinforce why we asking them to upgrade their event, and get them to increase their capacity (and hence, pay more money for the next tier).

Upsell banner (in blue) on Creator Home, our creator homepage. The banner is attached to a specific event block, which reinforces what the message is referring to.

Upsell banner (in blue) on an event’s dashboard when the event has sold more than 80% of its tickets. (Yes, it says 0/20—this was a design mock!)

I didn’t forget about localization, either!

You might be thinking, “Well, that’s an American turn of phrase, and Eventbrite is in tons of other countries, and those consumers might not understand that!”

Which is totally correct. And that’s why I also made sure to include a dev note in Figma about translations, and to include notes for our translators in the code to consider the best turn of phrase in their language. For example, Spanish has a similar saying: “Vender como pan caliente.” (Tysm to my Product Designer who’s Peruvian for pointing this out!)

If there wasn’t a similar pun or saying, I suggested a more general string.

The impact

These banners generated $70k in plan upgrades in a single month. Extrapolated over a year, this would represent nearly $850k in additional revenue. And as we continue to onboard more creators who sell more tickets and inevitably need to upgrade, the potential for revenue growth becomes even more exciting.

The banners also had impressive conversion rates of 30% on Creator Home and 27% on Event Dashboard, engaging 18,000 creators and converting nearly 5,000 creators to upgrade since launching the banners.

Why this was a big deal

The incremental $70k revenue was nice, but we were also enabling our creators to maximize their event's success, leading to more inventory posted. This would lead to a healthier Eventbrite marketplace, where high value events are making more tickets available for consumers to find and purchase.