Senior Content Designer and Copywriter
Top Friend Suggestions

Transparency in Top Suggestions

Product, Quality, UX
Top Friend Suggestions

Top Friend Suggestions


With the recent launch of a prominent friend suggestion unit in the People You May Know (PYMK) section, users had complained that it:

  • 1) Took up a lot of space.

  • 2) Didn’t know why a certain person was highlighted over another.

  • 3) Didn’t give them an option to hide the unit.

Without a clear name and clear value prop that provided little user agency, this PYMK unit had clear quality issues.

  THE SOLUTION   Our team ran a series of three tests to address the above people problems to improve the quality of the unit. The tests we ran were:     A social context test , to understand the value of each piece of social context by testing short


Our team ran a series of three tests to address the above people problems to improve the quality of the unit. The tests we ran were:

  • A social context test, to understand the value of each piece of social context by testing short vs. full names, bolding and the number of top mutual friend names shown.

  • A hide test, which tested 2 overflow menu designs and various hide durations. I got buy-in from the team to test an added layer of transparency into the unit, which would explain to them why the unit is relevant by providing them with a "Why am I seeing this?" section in the overflow menu.

  • A height test to compare different heights and UI layouts to reduce the space taken on the screen without hurting core friending metrics.

Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 11.02.47 AM.png
 After experimenting, we found that the added explanation led to a higher conversation rate than the other variants.  When users tapped into the overflow menu, they were less likely to click hide in the text variant — which was an indication that  th

After experimenting, we found that the added explanation led to a higher conversation rate than the other variants.

When users tapped into the overflow menu, they were less likely to click hide in the text variant — which was an indication that the explanatory text did help users understand value of the unit.

  THE CONCLUSION   We launched the quality improvements with a card height or 237 px, shipping the hide design with explanatory content, and a hide duration of 7 days (that was also clearly relayed in the content).   These quality content and design


We launched the quality improvements with a card height or 237 px, shipping the hide design with explanatory content, and a hide duration of 7 days (that was also clearly relayed in the content).

These quality content and design improvements led to:

  • +11k friend requests sent from unit in the U.S.

  • +0.85% friend suggestion impressions in the U.S.

  • No significant drops in our topline metrics.

The main takeaway from this project? Transparency is key.